Desi eu nu am obiceiul de a scrie pur si simplu fara sa fie macar un vers sau doua, uite ca acum o fac... Satula de orice respiratie simtita "in coloana vertebrala" , am decis sa fac un buletin de analiza fara sa plagiez. De ce lumea e o groapa de gunoi in care fiecare se crede un rege? Vrem pace si liniste si ne comportam ca niste primate si avem pretentia ca ceilalti sa ne considere "dezvoltati". Termenul de "dezvoltat" e foarte dur in acest context dar consider ca este singurul care se poate atribui unei mase atat de mediocre care traieste cu impresia ca totul se primeste fara munca si rasplata si care dupa fiecare fapta asteapta ceva in schimb... Vreau sa gasesc acel loc cunoscut sub numele de "acasa" care la figurat ma linisteste si ma calmeaza si imi da acea inspiratie pe care nu o gasesc in niciun colt al lumii (afirmatie putin cam deplasata, recunosc... lumea nu este plata!). Inca traiesc in monotonie, s-a lipit de mine ca o lipitoare care se hraneste cu toata energia mea in locul sangelui. As spune ca m-am saturat dar nu o fac , viata in sine este foarte scumpa sa fie irosita asa (citat) si pe langa asta am ajuns sa simt pe pielea mea valoarea vietii... Chiar daca trecutul ma bantuie si ma chinuie groaznic si uneori ma simt ca o vrajitoare arsa pe rug ... vreau sa continui. Ce daca viata in sine ma demoralizeaza si media influenteaza acest proces... E prea scumpa viata... sper sa realizati toti asta , candva, undeva. Deci, asa am ajuns un cadavru, asa m-a transformat luna Iunie intr-un cadavru ambulant care tinde spre absolut dar ii e frica sa il atinga, oricarui om ii este frica. Imi este dor de omul acela curajos care l-a atins.
Vezi dragul meu? Ti-am spus ca esti un geniu, acum nu mai exista dubii!
miercuri, 11 iulie 2012
marți, 10 iulie 2012
ARTmania 2012!!!
Festivalul incepe in 6 august pana in 12 august, asteptam toti rockerii sa ni se alature, se anunta o atmosfera de neuitat!! Si acum o scurta prezentare a trupelor mari care ne vor incata cu prezenta:
Die Toten Hosen is a German punk band from Düsseldorf that has been highly successful in Germany since the 1980s.
The band's name literally means "The Dead Pants/Trousers". "Tote Hose" is a German expression meaning "nothing going on" or "boring". Their name can figuratively be translated as "The Dead Beats".
My Dying Bride are an English doom metal band formed in Bradford, England in 1990. To date, My Dying Bride have released eleven full-length studio albums, three EPs, one demo, one box set, four compilation albums, one live album, and one live CD/DVD release. Along with bands such as Anathema, Paradise Lost, and Katatonia, they are one of the forerunners of the death/doom metal genre. While bands like Paradise Lost and Katatonia have expanded their musical styles beyond doom metal, though Paradise Lost later returned to the genre, My Dying Bride has continued to play doom metal since its foundation.
Epica is a Dutch symphonic metal band founded by guitarist and vocalist Mark Jansen subsequent to his departure from After Forever. They are known for their symphonic[1] sound and the use of female vocals and male growls performed by Simone Simons and Mark Jansen, respectively. All six members write the music, but Mark Jansen and Simone Simons write most of the lyrics,[citation needed] which largely deal with philosophical topics, including science, religion, and world events. To date, Epica has released five studio albums (not including their instrumental album The Score – An Epic Journey), with their most recent studio album, Requiem for the Indifferent, released on March 9, 2012.
Edguy's lyrics are often metaphorical, alluding to metaphysical or social themes: conformity ("The Headless Game", "Mysteria", "King of Fools"), dictation by the church ("The Kingdom", "The Pride of Creation", "Theater of Salvation"), and dangers of modern civilization ("Navigator", "The Devil and the Savant"). To express such themes, Edguy sometimes use esoteric and hermetic expressions. Yet some of their songs are light-hearted or comedic ("Das Reh", "Save Us Now", "Lavatory Love Machine", "Life and Times of a Bonus Track", "Trinidad"). Edguy does not claim to represent any ideology; Tobias Sammet claimed "[the band is] not political and we are not religious; at least there is no key message in our songs telling you what to think in terms of anything". Edguy also employs lengthy and epic sections in almost every album.
In 2001, Martijn was forced to leave Within Temptation after contracting Pfeiffer's disease. In 2002, he joined with Charlotte Wessels to form Delain. In the same year, they independently released the demo Amenity. However, it was not until 2005 that they were signed to Roadrunner Records. At the time, the band was envisioned as musical project featuring a host of guest musicians, and not as a live band.
Trail of Tears is a Norwegian gothic/symphonic black metal band originally formed in 1994 by vocalist Ronny Thorsen, under the name of Natt. Through most of their career the band emphasised the use of contrasting soprano and death grunt vocals, except for the release of Free Fall into Fear in 2005, in which the band switched this contrast mostly to tenor and growls, with less frequent soprano passages.
Poets of the Fall (POTF) is a rock band from Finland. It consists of Marko Saaresto (lead vocals), Olli Tukiainen (lead guitar) and Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen (keyboards, production). On tour the band is supported by Jani Snellman (bass guitar), Jaska Mäkinen (rhythm guitar, backing vocals) and Jari Salminen (drums, percussion). The band has sold over 100,000 albums in Finland.
ASADAR!! Va asteptam pe toti pentru o saptamana "epica" pe sunetul chitarii!!
Die Toten Hosen is a German punk band from Düsseldorf that has been highly successful in Germany since the 1980s.
The band's name literally means "The Dead Pants/Trousers". "Tote Hose" is a German expression meaning "nothing going on" or "boring". Their name can figuratively be translated as "The Dead Beats".
My Dying Bride are an English doom metal band formed in Bradford, England in 1990. To date, My Dying Bride have released eleven full-length studio albums, three EPs, one demo, one box set, four compilation albums, one live album, and one live CD/DVD release. Along with bands such as Anathema, Paradise Lost, and Katatonia, they are one of the forerunners of the death/doom metal genre. While bands like Paradise Lost and Katatonia have expanded their musical styles beyond doom metal, though Paradise Lost later returned to the genre, My Dying Bride has continued to play doom metal since its foundation.
Epica is a Dutch symphonic metal band founded by guitarist and vocalist Mark Jansen subsequent to his departure from After Forever. They are known for their symphonic[1] sound and the use of female vocals and male growls performed by Simone Simons and Mark Jansen, respectively. All six members write the music, but Mark Jansen and Simone Simons write most of the lyrics,[citation needed] which largely deal with philosophical topics, including science, religion, and world events. To date, Epica has released five studio albums (not including their instrumental album The Score – An Epic Journey), with their most recent studio album, Requiem for the Indifferent, released on March 9, 2012.
Edguy's lyrics are often metaphorical, alluding to metaphysical or social themes: conformity ("The Headless Game", "Mysteria", "King of Fools"), dictation by the church ("The Kingdom", "The Pride of Creation", "Theater of Salvation"), and dangers of modern civilization ("Navigator", "The Devil and the Savant"). To express such themes, Edguy sometimes use esoteric and hermetic expressions. Yet some of their songs are light-hearted or comedic ("Das Reh", "Save Us Now", "Lavatory Love Machine", "Life and Times of a Bonus Track", "Trinidad"). Edguy does not claim to represent any ideology; Tobias Sammet claimed "[the band is] not political and we are not religious; at least there is no key message in our songs telling you what to think in terms of anything". Edguy also employs lengthy and epic sections in almost every album.
In 2001, Martijn was forced to leave Within Temptation after contracting Pfeiffer's disease. In 2002, he joined with Charlotte Wessels to form Delain. In the same year, they independently released the demo Amenity. However, it was not until 2005 that they were signed to Roadrunner Records. At the time, the band was envisioned as musical project featuring a host of guest musicians, and not as a live band.
Trail of Tears is a Norwegian gothic/symphonic black metal band originally formed in 1994 by vocalist Ronny Thorsen, under the name of Natt. Through most of their career the band emphasised the use of contrasting soprano and death grunt vocals, except for the release of Free Fall into Fear in 2005, in which the band switched this contrast mostly to tenor and growls, with less frequent soprano passages.
Poets of the Fall (POTF) is a rock band from Finland. It consists of Marko Saaresto (lead vocals), Olli Tukiainen (lead guitar) and Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen (keyboards, production). On tour the band is supported by Jani Snellman (bass guitar), Jaska Mäkinen (rhythm guitar, backing vocals) and Jari Salminen (drums, percussion). The band has sold over 100,000 albums in Finland.
ASADAR!! Va asteptam pe toti pentru o saptamana "epica" pe sunetul chitarii!!
sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2012
Hello again people! Daca am vorbit putin de Sibiu ar fi cazul sa spun si despre luna mea preferata care e august. Uitati aici de ce: pentru ca avem 2 festivale mari, unul din ele fiind festivalul Artmania iar celalalt festivaul mediaval.
Incepem cu festivalul Artmania care in acest an ne va oferi ocazia sa ii vedem pe cei care ne-au luminat fiecare seara de shot-uri de jager, evident Die Toten Hosen sau in caz ca suntem fanii acestei trupe nu putem omite Alles aus Liebe care din punctul meu de vedere este una din cele mai bune melodii ale lor. Pe langa cei din Die Toten Hosen mai sunt in capul listei si cei din formatia Epica pe care ii putem recunoaste dupa faimoasa piesa Storm the sorrow, desi nu cred ca Epica are nevoie de mai multe detalii,cei prezenti sigur cunosc. Asadar, ca incheiere, festivalul ARTmania ramane in fruntea listei cu cele mai bune trupe din "gama" rock si care desigur are si un procentaj cultural maxim. Va asteptam pe toti sa simtiti ce inseamna sa gusti din cultura!
Incepem cu festivalul Artmania care in acest an ne va oferi ocazia sa ii vedem pe cei care ne-au luminat fiecare seara de shot-uri de jager, evident Die Toten Hosen sau in caz ca suntem fanii acestei trupe nu putem omite Alles aus Liebe care din punctul meu de vedere este una din cele mai bune melodii ale lor. Pe langa cei din Die Toten Hosen mai sunt in capul listei si cei din formatia Epica pe care ii putem recunoaste dupa faimoasa piesa Storm the sorrow, desi nu cred ca Epica are nevoie de mai multe detalii,cei prezenti sigur cunosc. Asadar, ca incheiere, festivalul ARTmania ramane in fruntea listei cu cele mai bune trupe din "gama" rock si care desigur are si un procentaj cultural maxim. Va asteptam pe toti sa simtiti ce inseamna sa gusti din cultura!
vineri, 6 iulie 2012
Un colt de cultura
Ca si parte din ardeal sunt mandra sa zic despre mine ca sunt Sibianca si ca am gustat din toate bunatatiile judetului, un atuu il am si din punctul de vedere al locatiei unde imi duc viata de zi cu zi, locatie de care nu imi e rusine chiar daca pentru unii e "la tara". Cu alte cuvinte, noi sibienii ne distingem din marea masa de populatie prin simplul nostru accent , prin simpla noastra privire, prin doua cuvinte rostite si prin simpla atingere. Asta sunt si spun ca sunt mandra de Sibiu, desigur cu mici exceptii...
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